How do I plot the energy eigenvalues and wave function solutions of a delta function double potential well with #V(chi) = -alpha(delta(chi+L)+delta(chi-L))#?

1 Answer
Mar 15, 2018

Well, here it is... Here is the Excel sheet I made while doing this. Also, here are the even solution graphs.

This, by the way, results in a wave function solution that resembles the hydrogen molecule, except with internuclear distance #a = 2L#, and our solution is horizontally flipped:

This is the case because #psi# for a #1s# orbital behaves similarly to a #delta# function at a nucleus, except the function is wider.


Here's the scenario (just change #a->L#):

We set up the wave function for a tunnelling free-particle. Call the regions #I#, #II#, and #III# from left to right. Before we use any boundary conditions:

#psi_I = Ae^(-kchi) + Be^(kchi)#
#psi_(II) = Ce^(-kchi) + De^(kchi)#
#psi_(III) = Fe^(-kchi) + Ge^(kchi)#

where #k = sqrt(-(2mE)/ℏ^2)#, since #E < 0# for bound states.

Since the wave function must vanish at #chi -> pm oo#, #A = 0# and #G = 0#. Due to the even symmetry of the Dirac Delta function,

  • #C = D# for even solutions and #C = -D# for odd solutions.
  • #G = B# for even solutions and #G = -B# for odd solutions.

This simplifies down to even solutions being:

#psi_"even" = {(Be^(kchi),-oo < chi < -L),(C(e^(-kchi) + e^(kchi)),-L < chi < L),(Be^(-kchi),L < chi < oo):} #

and odd solutions being:

#psi_"odd" = {(-Be^(kchi),-oo < chi < -L),(C(e^(-kchi) - e^(kchi)),-L < chi < L),(Be^(-kchi),L < chi < oo):} #


Continuity at #chi = -L# gives:

#Be^(-kL) = C(e^(kL) + e^(-kL))#

#=> B = C(e^(2kL) + 1)#

Next, consider the Schrodinger equation at just #chi = -L#:

#-ℏ^2/(2m) (d^2psi)/(dchi^2) - alphadelta(chi+L)psi = Epsi#

Integration near #chi = -L# only gives:

#-ℏ^2/(2m) lim_(epsilon->0) int_(-L-epsilon)^(-L + epsilon) (d^2psi)/(dchi^2) dchi - alpha lim_(epsilon->0) int_(-L-epsilon)^(-L+epsilon) delta(chi+L)psidchi = lim_(epsilon -> 0) Eint_(-L-epsilon)^(-L+epsilon) psidchi#

Denote #Lpm epsilon = L^(pm)# to make this easier to read. Integrating a constant of infinitely small width gives zero:

#-ℏ^2/(2m) int_(-L^(-))^(-L^(+)) (d^2psi)/(dchi^2) dchi - alpha int_(-L^(-))^(-L^(+)) delta(chi+L)psidchi = 0#

Evaluating the integrals requires examination of the left and right sides of the discontinuous derivative.

#-ℏ^2/(2m) (Delta (dpsi(-L))/(dchi)) = alpha psi(-L^(pm))#

Now evaluate the #psi# and its derivatives at #-L# either from the left or right of the #delta# potential.

#-ℏ^2/(2m) (-kCe^(kL) + kCe^(-kL) - kBe^(-kL)) = alpha Be^(-kL)#

#C(-e^(kL) + e^(-kL)) - Be^(-kL) = -(2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) Be^(-kL)#

Multiply through by #e^(kL)# and rearrange to get:

#C(-e^(2kL) + 1) = B - (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) B#

#C(e^(2kL) - 1) = B((2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) - 1)#

Seeing as we have an expression for #B# already, solve for #e^(-2kL)# on one side.

#cancelC(e^(2kL) - 1) = cancelC(e^(2kL) + 1)((2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) - 1)#

#e^(2kL) - 1 = (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k)e^(2kL) - e^(2kL) + (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) - 1#

#e^(2kL) = ((2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) - 1)e^(2kL) + (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k)#

#1 = (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) - 1 + (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k)e^(-2kL)#

#cancel2(1 - (malpha)/(ℏ^2k)) = cancel2[(malpha)/(ℏ^2k)e^(-2kL)]#

#color(blue)(e^(-2kL) = (ℏ^2k)/(malpha) - 1)#

Let #x = 2kL# and #c = (ℏ^2)/(2mLalpha)#. Note: #x ne chi#. This results in plotting #e^(-x)# vs. #cx - 1#. If #alpha = ℏ^2/(2mL)#, then #c = 1#. So let's take #c = 1, 0.75#:

Clearly, there will always be an intersection (always at least one bound state) as long as #c# is nonsmall, because we are looking at a decreasing function intersecting with an increasing function of slope #c# at positive #x#.

The x-intercept turns out to be #1//c#, and the intersection occurs at #x ~~ 1.27846# for #c = 1#.

So the approximate even solution energy for #c = 1# is:

#1.27846 ~~ 2kL#

#=> k^2 ~~ 0.40861/L^2 = -(2mE)/(ℏ^2)#

#=> color(blue)(E ~~ -(0.20431ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

If we take the limit as #c -> 0#, i.e. the limit as #alpha -> oo#, no bound state exists (no intersection found), so we want #0 < alpha < ℏ^2/(2mL)#.


Continuity at #chi = L# again gives:

#Be^(-kL) = C(e^(-kL) - e^(kL))#

#=> B = -C(e^(2kL) - 1)#

As before, consider the Schrodinger equation at just #chi = L#:

#-ℏ^2/(2m) (d^2psi)/(dchi^2) - alphadelta(chi-L)psi = Epsi#

Integration near #chi = +L# only gives:

#-ℏ^2/(2m) int_(L^(-))^(L^(+)) (d^2psi)/(dchi^2) dchi - alpha int_(L^(-))^(L^(+)) delta(chi-L)psi = 0#

As before, we now get:

#-ℏ^2/(2m) (Delta (dpsi(L))/(dchi)) = alpha psi(L^(pm))#

Now evaluate the #psi# and its derivatives at #L# either from the left or right of the #delta# potential.

#-ℏ^2/(2m) (-kBe^(-kL) + kCe^(-kL) + kCe^(kL)) = alpha Be^(-kL)#

#(ℏ^2k)/(2malpha) (Be^(-kL) - Ce^(-kL) - Ce^(kL)) = Be^(-kL)#

Again multiply through by #e^(kL)# to solve:

#(ℏ^2k)/(2malpha) (B - C - Ce^(2kL)) = B#

#(ℏ^2k)/(2malpha) (-C - Ce^(2kL)) = B(1 - (ℏ^2k)/(2malpha))#

#(ℏ^2k)/(2malpha) C(1 + e^(2kL)) = B((ℏ^2k)/(2malpha) - 1)#

#C(1 + e^(2kL)) = B(1 - (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k))#

Now plug in #B = -C(e^(2kL) - 1)#:

#cancelC(1 + e^(2kL)) = cancelC(1 - e^(2kL))(1 - (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k))#

#1 + e^(2kL) = 1 - (2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) - e^(2kL) + e^(2kL)(2malpha)/(ℏ^2k)#

#cancel2e^(2kL) - e^(2kL)(cancel2malpha)/(ℏ^2k) = - (cancel2malpha)/(ℏ^2k)#

#1 - (malpha)/(ℏ^2k) = - (malpha)/(ℏ^2k)e^(-2kL)#

#color(blue)(e^(-2kL) = 1 - (ℏ^2k)/(malpha))#

Now we again let #x = 2kL# (again, note: #x ne chi#) and #c = (ℏ^2)/(2mLalpha)#. This results in plotting #e^(-x)# vs. #1 - cx#. If #alpha = ℏ^2/(2mL)#, then #c = 1#, so let #c = 1, 0.5#. This gives:

The y-intercept turns out to be #1//c#, and the intersection occurs only for #c < 1# or #alpha > ℏ^2/(2mL)#.


We'll get two bound states if #c < 1#, and only one if #c >= 1#. For the rest of this answer, I choose #bb(L = 2)#.

The even solution energy for #c = 0.5# (intersection at #x ~~ 2.21772#) is:

#2.21772 ~~ 2kL#

#=> k^2 ~~ 1.22957/L^2 = -(2mE)/(ℏ^2)#

#=> color(blue)(E ~~ -(0.61479ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

In this case we can then get #k# and then plug it back into the wave function. Here is the even solution:

#k = sqrt(-(2m)/ℏ^2 cdot -(0.61479ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

#= sqrt(2 cdot (0.61479)/(L^2)) = 1.10886/L#

where I simply chose #B = 1# and #C = 0.0981705# to match #psi# at the boundaries.

#=> psi_(I) = Be^(1.10886x//L)#
#=> psi_(II) = C(e^(-1.10886x//L) + e^(1.10886x//L))#
#=> psi_(III) = Be^(-1.10886x//L)#

This results in (the #x# axis plots #chi#):

This looks remarkably like the hydrogen bonding molecular orbital wave function plot!

Then, we get #x ~~ 1.59362# for the intersection in the corresponding odd solution. So the approximate odd solution energy for #c = 0.5# is:

#1.59362 ~~ 2kL#

#=> k^2 ~~ 0.63491/L^2 = -(2mE)/(ℏ^2)#

#=> color(blue)(E ~~ -(0.31745ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

The other bound state (odd solution) has:

#k = sqrt(-(2m)/ℏ^2 cdot -(0.31745ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

#= sqrt(2 cdot (0.31745)/(L^2)) = 0.79681/L#

#=> psi_(I) = -Be^(0.79681x//L)#
#=> psi_(II) = C(e^(-0.79681x//L) - e^(0.79681x//L))#
#=> psi_(III) = Be^(-0.79681x//L)#

Here I just chose #B = 1# and matched #psi# at the boundaries to get #C = -0.254998# as before. The scale of this need not match the other solution.

which looks like the hydrogen antibonding molecular orbital wave function plot!

(Again, the #x# axis plots #chi#, the wave function position.)

What if we choose #c = 2#? The even solution and odd solution have intersections at #x ~~ 0.73884# and #x ~~ -1.25643#, respectively. Here's the problem...

If #x < 0#, then #2kL < 0#. We must have #L > 0#, so that would imply that #k < 0#, whereas we defined #k = sqrt(-(2mE)/ℏ^2) > 0#.

Hence, we discard the odd solution and only have an even solution:

#0.73884 ~~ 2kL#

#=> k^2 ~~ 0.13647/L^2 = -(2mE)/(ℏ^2)#

#=> color(blue)(E ~~ -(0.06824ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

With this scenario,

#k = sqrt(-(2m)/ℏ^2 cdot -(0.06824ℏ^2)/(mL^2))#

#= sqrt(2 cdot (0.06824)/(L^2)) = 0.36943/L#

You can plug it back in if you wish, but I'm not going to plot this one, because it's unphysical; since this entire problem can be used to model something not unlike #"H"_2# molecular orbitals, having a bonding MO (even solution) but no antibonding MO (odd solution) doesn't make physical sense.