How can I interpret graphs of motion?

1 Answer
May 2, 2015

interpreting a motion graph is quite simple.....

as a vehicle or a moving object moves it covers a particular distance
this we jot it down in graphs and study the movement of the moving object.
as shown below if the line of the graph is on a horizontal or a diagonal , the distance will have a same equal ratio to time:

enter image source here
as shown here the line of the movement is diagonal the time (s) and position (m) share an equal ratio...
in one second the person travels 10m in distance. so if it is double the time the double the distance ( in two seconds 20 m traveled in distance)

motion graphs such as this on might be an easy one to interpret but graphs such as these might take time:
enter image source here
this graph shows us that in one second the object has traveled 10m but here since it is not a straight diagonal line the ratio isn't the same
here the distance and time don't share an equal ratio. so my observations would be:
1 sec : 10m
2sec : 10m
3sec : 20m
4sec : 30m
5sec : 40m
6 sec : 0 ( which means back to normal or dropped down it's motion completely)