How did the colonists resist British control?

1 Answer
May 19, 2017

There were several different actions in response to different British controls. A few key ones are listed below.


These are all from: , which also has more details on the regulations, actions and sequence of these events.

American colonists responded to the Sugar Act (1764) and the Currency Act (1764) with protest. By the end of that year, many colonies were practicing nonimportation, a refusal to use imported English goods.

A network of secret organizations known as the Sons of Liberty was created, aimed at intimidating the stamp agents who collected Parliament’s taxes (1765).

In response to new taxes, the colonies again decided to discourage the purchase of British imports. The Virginia House of Burgesses passed resolutions condemning Britain’s actions against Massachusetts, and stating that only Virginia’s governor and legislature could tax its citizens (1769).