If you have a mixed number f type #a b/c#, just convert #b/c# into decimal form.
As #b/c# is a rational number, it would be either be a limiting decimal or non-limiting but repeating decimal. Round it to the nearest decimal place if desired.
Further, as #b/c<0#, it will have just #0# to the left of the decimal portion. Now add #a# towards the left of decimal and you have your result.
For example in #5 3/8#, we have #3/8=(3xx125)/(8xx125)=375/1000=0.375#
Hence #s 3/8=5.375# or #5.38#, if you round up to two places of decimals.
In #3 5/7#,
hence #3 5/7=3.714285714285714285714285....# or #3.7143#, rounded up to four places of decimal.