How do you balance Mg+HNO3 -->Mg(NO3)2 + H2?

1 Answer
Mar 4, 2018

Mg + 2HNO_3 -> Mg(NO_3)_2 + H2


On the left side the are:
Mg : 1 Magnizium in elemental form
H : 2 There are 2 molecules of nitric acid each acid has one hidrogen so two molecules of nitric acid is 2 hidrogens
N : 2 There are 2 molecules of nitric acid each acid has one nitrogen so two molecules of nitric acid is 2 nitrogens
O : 6 There are 2 molecules of nitric acid each acid has 3 oxygens so two molecules of nitric acid is 6 oxygens

On the right side there are:
Mg : 1 There is one molecules of Magnesium nitrate and has 1 magnizium
H : 2 Hidrogen gas which has two hidrogen molecules
N : 2 There is one molecules of Magnesium nitrate and has 2 nitrogen atoms
O : 6 There is one molecules of Magnesium nitrate and has 6 oxygen atoms