How do you balance Zn(OH)_2 + CH_3COOH -> Zn(CH_3COO)_2 + H_2O?

1 Answer
Aug 23, 2016

Use the proton balance method given below to obtain:

2"CH"_3"COOH" + "Zn"("OH")_2 rarr "Zn"("CH"_3"COO")_2 + 2"H"_2"O".


One way to do it is to think of it as a proton donation (acid) reaction and a proton acceptance (base) reaction:


"CH"_3"COOH" rarr "CH"_3"COO"^{-} + "H"^+


"Zn"("OH")_2 + 2 "H"^{+} rarr "Zn"^{2+} + 2 "H"_2"O"

The acid gives one mole of protons but tge base takes two. To balance the protons take two moles of the acid to one of the base:

2"CH"_3"COOH" rarr 2"CH"_3"COO"^{-} +2 "H"^+

"Zn"("OH")_2 + 2 "H"^{+} rarr "Zn"^{2+} + 2 "H"_2"O"

Then add them up. The protons cancel and the remaining ions combine to make the salt:

2"CH"_3"COOH" + "Zn"("OH")_2 rarr "Zn"("CH"_3"COO")_2 + 2"H"_2"O"