How do you convert 0.54 (54 repeating) to a fraction?

1 Answer
May 27, 2016


We will use the notation of a bar over repeating digits, that is, #0.545454... =

Let #x =

#=> 100x =

#=> 100x - x =

#=> 99x = 54#

#=> x = 54/99 = 6/11#

This strategy works in general. Given a repeating decimal, let #x# represent the initial value, multiply by #10^n# where #n# is the number of digits repeating, subtract #x# (the original value), and solve for #x#.

We can also notice a pattern in the above: we always end up with the repeating portion divided by #10^n-1#, where #n# is the number of digits in the repeating portion. This gives us a shortcut: = (a_1a_2a_3...a_n)/(10^n-1)#