How do you convert 28.8% to a decimal?

1 Answer
Dec 16, 2016

#28.2% = 28.8/100 = 288/1000 = 0.288#


Fractions, decimals and percentages are all just different ways of expressing the same number. They are interchangeable.

A percent is a value given out of 100.

Decimals are based on fractions with denominators that are powers of 10.

#28.8% = 28.8/100" "larr# a percent is 'out of 100'

#28.8/100 xx10/10 = 288/1000" "larr# denominator is a power of 10.

This can be written as a decimal without any further working.

#288/1000 = 0.288#

It is useful to remember that the first 2 decimal places represent hundredths which are the same as a percent.

#color(blue)(28).8% = 0color(blue)(.28)8#