How do you convert 4.3 into a fraction and percent?

1 Answer
May 5, 2016

As a fraction 4.3#" "-> 43/10#

As a percentage 4.3#" "->430%" which is the same as "430/100#


#color(brown)("As a fraction")#
The first decimal place is for #10^("ths")" "#so #" "0.3->3/10#

Write 4.3 as: #" "4+0.3" "->" "4+3/10#

But we need to include the 4 in the fraction so we convert it to #10^("ths")# as well.

Multiply 4 by 1 but in the form of #1=10/10#


#(40/10)+3/10 = (40+3)/10 = 43/10#
#color(brown)("Percentage has 2 ways of being written.")#
For example: suppose we had sixty percent
This can be written as #60%# or as #60/100#. They both represent the same thing.

Apply #43/10# multiplied by 1 but in the form of #1=10/10#

#43/10xx1" "->" "43/10xx10/10" " ->" " (43xx10)/(10xx10)=430/100#

So the percentage can be written as #430/100# or #430%#