How do you convert 6.125 (25 repeating) to a fraction?

1 Answer
Dec 22, 2016

This decimal can be written as: #6 62/495#. See explanation.


To simplify the calculation let's isolate integer part, non repeating decimal and the period:


Now we can calculate the repeating part separately:

#0.0bar(25)=0.025+0.00025+ ...#

From the calculations we see that the fraction is a sum of a convergent geometrical sequence with:

First term #a_1=0.025# and ratio: #r=0.01#.

So the sum of the sequence is:

So the value of fraction is:

#6.1bar(25)=6.1+25/990=6+1/10+25/990=6 + 99/990+25/990=6 124/990=6 62/495#