How do you convert 8/17 into a percent and decimal?

1 Answer
May 10, 2016

Decimal representation is a periodic decimal fraction:

#8/17 = 0.47058823529411764705882352941176...#
with period #4705882352941176#

As an approximate percentage,

#8/17 ~~ 47.06%#


First of all, you have to convert it into decimal by actually dividing #8# by #17# (in this case the result is periodic decimal fraction, so we can do it only approximately):

#8/17 = 0.47058823529411764705882352941176...#

As you see, #4705882352941176# is a period that is repeated infinite number of times.
So, you may express it using [...] to signify a period as
#8/17 = 0.[4705882352941176]#

Next, you have to decide about precision since it's not practical to carry too many digits. Assume, you decide that for your calculations it is sufficient to have a precision of #0.0001#. Then you round the above number to #0.4706#. Notice that the fourth digit after a decimal point #5# is rounded up to #6# because the following digit is #8#.

Lastly, to convert a decimal fraction into percentage, you just multiply it by #100#, effectively shifting the decimal point two places to the right:
#0.4706 = 47.06%#.