How do you evaluate #140- 893.45+ 308.56- 204.79- 50#?
1 Answer
Aug 5, 2017
To evaluate
- first make all such numbers upto same places of decimal and above becomes
#140.00-893.45+308.56-204.79-50.00# - split numbers with positive and negative sign before them separately and add them up separately. Here we have
#color(blue)(140.00+308.56=448.56)# and#color(red)(893.45+204.79+50.00=1148.24# - subtract smaller number from larger one. Here, we have
#color(red)(1148.24)-color(blue)(448.56)=699.68# - We have almost got the answer. Only thing left is putting beore it the sign of minus, as sum of those with sign minus was greater and hence we have
Note that if first number does not have a sign (minus or plus) before it, it means plus.