How do you evaluate #140- 893.45+ 308.56- 204.79- 50#?

1 Answer
Aug 5, 2017



To evaluate #140-893.45+308.56-204.79-50# or similar problems

  1. first make all such numbers upto same places of decimal and above becomes #140.00-893.45+308.56-204.79-50.00#
  2. split numbers with positive and negative sign before them separately and add them up separately. Here we have #color(blue)(140.00+308.56=448.56)# and #color(red)(893.45+204.79+50.00=1148.24#
  3. subtract smaller number from larger one. Here, we have #color(red)(1148.24)-color(blue)(448.56)=699.68#
  4. We have almost got the answer. Only thing left is putting beore it the sign of minus, as sum of those with sign minus was greater and hence we have #140-893.45+308.56-204.79-50=-699.68#

Note that if first number does not have a sign (minus or plus) before it, it means plus.