The first real zero is easy. It's zero. We can factor out an #x#.
Now we note that when #x=-2#,
This means that #x+2# is a factor of #x^4-x^3-3x^2+5x-2#.
Let's factor #x+2# from #x^4-x^3-3x^2+5x-2#.
#= x^4+2x^3-3x^3-6x^2+3x^2+6x-x-2#
Now we see that when #x=1#
This means that #x-1# is a factor of #x^3-3x^2+3x-1#. Let's factor #x-1# from #x^3-3x^2+3x-1#.
Finally we recognize that
So putting it all together, we have