How do you find all the real and complex roots of P(x) = 3x^4 + x^3 + 2x^2 - 2?

1 Answer
May 5, 2016

It gets rather complicated, but it's doable...


P(x) = 3x^4+x^3+2x^2-2

You might try looking for rational zeros first, but you would not find any. This is a full blown quartic with 2 Real roots and 2 Complex roots, all irrational.

Normally with a quartic of the form ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e, the first thing you would do would be to substitute something like t=x+b/(4a) in order to get a quartic in t with no t^3 term.

In our example, there's an easier method by substituting t = 1/x and multiplying by -2t^4 to get:

0 = 4t^4-4t^2-2t-6



Equating coefficients and rearranging a little, we get:

{ (b+c = (a^2-4)/2), (b-c=-2/a), (bc=-6) :}


((a^2-4)/2)^2 = (b+c)^2 = (b-c)^2+4bc = (-2/a)^2-24


(a^2)^3-8(a^2)^2+112(a^2)-16 = 0

Multiply through by 3^3=27 to get:

0 = 27(a^2)^3-216(a^2)^2+3024(a^2)-432

=(3(a^2)-8)^3 + 816(3(a^2)-8)+6608

Substitute w=3a^2-8 to get:

w^3+816w+6608= 0

Let w=u+v to get:

u^3+v^3+3(uv+272)(u+v)+6608= 0

Add the constraint v = -272/u to eliminate the term in (u+v) and multiply through by u^3 to get:

(u^3)^2+6608(u^3)-20123648 = 0

Since this derivation is symmetric in u and v, we can use the quadratic formula and hence the two Real roots of this quadratic as u^3 and v^3, to provide a Real value for w and hence a^2...

u^3 = (-6608+-sqrt(6608^2+4*20123648))/2






3a^2-8 = w = u+v =2(root(3)(-413+3sqrt(53889))+root(3)(-413-3sqrt(53889)))

Hence, choosing the positive root:

a = sqrt(2/3(4+root(3)(-413+3sqrt(53889))+root(3)(-413-3sqrt(53889))))

Then b = (a^3-4a-4)/(4a) and c = (a^3-4a+4)/(4a).

Hence quadratics in t to solve.

Then the zeros of the original polynomial are the reciprocals of the roots of these quadratics.

The resulting expressions are rather complicated, but tractable.