How do you find average value of f(x) = sinx over [0, pi/2] and verify the Mean Thereom for f(x)=x^2 over [0,1]?
1 Answer
The "average value" of a function has to do with integration. This question is posted under "Average Rate of Change Over an Interval" I think that you meant to ask:
How do you find average rate of change of
(If that wasn't the question, i am sorry for my misunderstanding.)
The average rate of change of function
(Yes, that is also a difference quotient and also the slope of a secant line.)
For this function on this interval you should get:
The average value of
= 2/pi[1] = 2/pi (again)
For the second question, I think what your teacher/textbook wants you to do is the following:
The function
The conclusion of the theorem says : there is a number
(The instantaneous rate of change at some
You might try to find the
OK! We're not going to be able to solve this, but we can use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that there is a solution.
so the Intermediate Value Theorem tells us that there is a