How do you find the polar equation for 2x^2+2y^2+5x=02x2+2y2+5x=0?

1 Answer
Oct 1, 2016

r--2.5 cos thetar2.5cosθ that represents the circle of radius 1.25, with center at (1.25, pi)(1.25,π).


The conversion equation is (x, y) = r( cos theta, sin theta )(x,y)=r(cosθ,sinθ), giving

r = sqrt ( x^2 + y^2 ), x = r cos theta and y = r sin thetar=x2+y2,x=rcosθandy=rsinθ.

Here, .

2(x^2+y^2)+5x=2r^2+5rcostheta =r(5r+2 cos theta)=0, giving, r = 0 and 5+2 cos theta =02(x2+y2)+5x=2r2+5rcosθ=r(5r+2cosθ)=0,givg,r=0and5+2cosθ=0

The second includes r = o

at theta = pi/2θ=π2, and again, at theta = 3/2piθ=32π

So, the polar form is r = -2,5 cos theta#

This represents the circle of radius 1.25, with center at (1.25, pi)(1.25,π).

For one complete circle, theta in (pi/2. 3/2pi)θ(π2.32π).