How do you find the slope given P1(–1, 1) and P2(4, –4)?

1 Answer
May 4, 2016

#"slope "= -1#


The slope (gradient) is: #" "("change in y-axis")/("change in x-axis") = m#

Point 1 #->P_1->(x_1,y_1)->(-1,1)#
Point 2#->P_2->(x_2,y_2)->(4,-4)#

Gradient#=m-> (y_2-y_1)/(x_2-x_1)=((-4)-1)/(4-(-1))#

#m=(-5)/(5)= -1#
Two minus signs next to each other make a plus.

A minus and a plus next to each other make a minus.

In divide, if the signs are different then then the answer is minus.
In divide, if the signs are the same then the answer is plus.