How do you find the sum of the first #13# terms of the geometric sequence: #7, 21, 63, 189, 567, . .#?

1 Answer
Jul 20, 2018



The general term of a geometric sequence can be written:

#a_n = a r^(n-1)#

where #a# is the initial term and #r# the common ratio.

Then we find:

#(1-r) sum_(n=1)^N a_n#

#= sum_(n=1)^N a r^(n-1) - r sum_(n=1)^N a r^(n-1)#

#= sum_(n=1)^N a r^(n-1) - sum_(n=2)^(N+1) a r^(n-1)#

#= a + color(red)(cancel(color(black)(sum_(n=2)^N a r^(n-1)))) - color(red)(cancel(color(black)(sum_(n=2)^N a r^(n-1)))) - a r^N#

#= a - a r^N#

#= a(1 - r^N)#

Dividing both ends by #(1-r)#, we find:

#sum_(n=1)^N a_n = (a(1-r^N))/(1-r)#

Note in particular that if #abs(r) < 1# then:

#lim_(N->oo) r^N = 0#


#sum_(n=1)^oo a_n = lim_(N->oo) sum_(n=1)^N a_n = lim_(N->oo) (a(1-r^N))/(1-r) = a/(1-r)#



#7, 21, 63, 189, 567,...#

Note that:

#21/7 = 63/21 = 189/63 = 567/189 = 3#

That is, the sequence (as far as we are given) has a common ratio #r=3# between successive terms. The initial term is #a=7# and we are interested in the sum to #N=13# terms.

So the general term may be written:

#a_n = ar^(n-1) = 7 * 3^(n-1)#

and the sum to #13# terms is:

#sum_(n=1)^13 a_n = (a(1-r^N))/(1-r)#

#color(white)(sum_(n=1)^13 a_n) = (color(blue)(7) * (1-color(blue)(3)^color(blue)(13)))/(1-color(blue)(3)) = (7 * (1-1594323))/(1-3) = (-11160254)/(-2) = 5580127#