How do you find the sum of the terms of geometric 4-8+16-32+.....-2048?

2 Answers
Jun 21, 2016

Solution sheet page 1 of 2


We have 3 condition in this question and at the moment I can only think of 1 way of solving this.

color(blue)("Method plan")
I am going to solve this by splitting the series into a positive only series and into a negative only series. The combining their sums will result in the sum of the whole. I will start by building an equation for the sum.

"Step1: Consider the whole sequence to determine how many terms" " there are."

"Step2: Consider the sum of all the positive value and develop the"" equation "

"Step3: Consider the sum of all the negative value and develop the"" equation "

"Step4: Put it all together"


Let t_i be any term in the whole series
Let the last term be t_n
Let the 'seed value' be a
Let r be the geometric ratio
Note that as we are only trying to determine n the switch between positive and negative is of no consequence.

=> t_i=t_1" "->" "ar^0= |+4|=4 thus a=4
=>t_i=t_2" "->" "ar^1=|-8|=8

The general term expression is: ar^(i-1)

From this r=(ar^1)/(ar^0) = 8/4=2

Also the last term is:

t_n=ar^(n-1) ->4(2^(n-1))=|-2048|


Taking log_10 ( does not matter if you use log_e)

(n-1)log(2)=log(512) -> n-1=9

color(blue)( n=10)

Jun 21, 2016

Solution sheet page 2 of 2

The sum is -1364


color(Magenta)("Building the equation for the sum of the series")

Let the sum be s then:

s= ar^0+ar^1+ar^2+...+ar^(n-1)..............Equation (1)

Multiply s by r giving:
sr=ar^1+ar^2+ar^3...+ar^(n-1)+ar^n...........Equetion (2)

Equation(2)-Equation(1) gives:

sr-s" "=" "ar^n-a

color(blue)("Step 2: Solving the positive part only")
color(green)("The whole series is count 10 so the positive will be count 5")

t_1->ar^0=4" " ->" " a=4


r=(ar^1)/(ar^0) = 16/4=4

color(brown)(=>s^+=(a(r^n-1))/(r-1))color(blue)( " "->" " (4(4^5-1) )/(4-1) = 1364
color(blue)("Step 3: Solving the negative part only")
color(green)("The whole series is count 10 so the positive will be count 5")

This will be the same as step 2 but in this case
color(brown)(s^(-)=(a(r^n-1))/(r-1))color(blue)(" "->" "-[(8(4^5-1))/(4-1) ]=-2728

color(blue)("Step 4: Putting it all together")

color(magenta)(s=s^+ + s^-" "=" "1364-2728" "=" "-1364)