How do you prove that the limit of sqrtx = 3x=3 as x approaches 9 using the epsilon delta proof?

1 Answer
Oct 22, 2017

Start from:

abs(x-9) = abs(sqrtx-3)abs(sqrtx+3)|x9|=x3x+3

for x > 0x>0, so:

abs(sqrtx-3) = abs(x-9)/(sqrtx+3)x3=|x9|x+3

For any number epsilon > 0ε>0 choose now delta_epsilon < 3epsilonδε<3ε.
For x in (9-delta_epsilon,9+delta_epsilon)x(9δε,9+δε) we have;

abs(x-9) < delta_epsilon|x9|<δε

and, as sqrtxx is positive:

sqrtx +3 > 3x+3>3


abs(sqrtx-3) = abs(x-9)/(sqrtx+3) < delta_epsilon/3 < (3epsilon)/3 = epsilonx3=|x9|x+3<δε3<3ε3=ε


x in (9-delta_epsilon,9+delta_epsilon) => abs(sqrtx-3) < epsilonx(9δε,9+δε)x3<ε

which proves that:

lim_(x->9) sqrtx = 3