How do you simplify #-2+3(-5*2-6/3)# using PEMDAS?

1 Answer
Oct 5, 2016



Rather thanblindly following PEDMAS, BODMAS or whatever form you know .... work with TERMS.
Do Brackets first, then from strongest to weakest operations

There are 2 terms. Work out each separately.

Inside the bracket there are 2 terms. Work out each separately.


#=color(lime)(-2)+3(color(red)(-10)-color(blue)(2))" "larr#work out terms inside the bracket

#=color(lime)(-2)+color(magenta)(3xx(-12))" "larr# now multiply

#=color(lime)(-2)color(magenta)(-36)" "larr# add or subtract happens last.


Note that the -2 term was in its simplest form and was not used at all until the last line.