How do you simplify fractions with square roots?

1 Answer

See below:


Let's say I have:


How do I simplify this?

Remember that #sqrt2xxsqrt2=2# And so if I can multiply the denominator by #sqrt2#, we'll get 2 for the denominator. And that can be done, so long as we multiply both the numerator and denominator by the same thing (which means we're multiplying the fraction by 1 and not changing its value):


I can do the same type of thing if I have a mixed radical in my denominator. Let's say it's:


If I multiply two types of this kind of number, one adding the square root and the other subtracting, I can simplify. Let's look at our example again. With #3-sqrt2#, we can multiply by #3+sqrt2#:


And so for the full fraction, we have:
