How do you simplify x2+10x−4x2+10x? Algebra Rational Equations and Functions Excluded Values for Rational Expressions 1 Answer mozzie May 23, 2017 1−4x(x+10) Explanation: x2+10x−4x2+10x =x2+10xx2+10x−4x2+10x =1−4x2+10x =1−4x(x+10) Answer link Related questions How do you find the excluded values of 2x+1x2−x−6? What are Excluded Values for Rational Expressions? How do you state the excluded values for rational expressions? How do you find excluded values for rational expressions? How do you simplify the expression and find the excluded values for the rational expression... How do you simplify rational expressions? Can you use long division to simplify rational expressions? How do you simplify x−2x2−4x+4? What is the excluded value of 2x−1(x−1)2? How do you write z3−8z2+2z+4 in simplest form? See all questions in Excluded Values for Rational Expressions Impact of this question 1548 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License