How do you solve #3(5-5x) > 5x#?

2 Answers
Jan 28, 2016

Solve as if the less than sign was equal


#15 - 15x > 5x#
#3 - 3x > x #
#3 > 4X#
# 3/4 > x#
That is the region to the left of x=3/4 graph not including x = 3/4
see the graph

graph{x < 3/4 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}

Jan 28, 2016

First, distribute.


3(5 - 5x) > 5x

15 - 15x > 5x

15 > 5x + 15x

15 > 20x

#3/4# > x

If multiplying or dividing by a negative number, you must flip the inequality sign.

Practice exercises:

  1. Solve the following inequalities.

a) -3x #<=# -24

b) #x/-3#+ 5 < 23

c) 2x + 4 #>=# 3x - 9

d) 2(2x + 3) > 3(4x - 1)