#"rearrange the equation in "color(blue)"standard form"#
#rArr-4x^2+8x+3=0larrcolor(blue)"in standard form"#
#"consider the a-c method of factorising"#
#"there are no whole numbers of - 12 which sum to + 8"#
#"we can solve using the method of "color(blue)"completing the square"#
#• " the coefficient of the "x^2" term must be 1"#
#"factor out "-4#
#• " add/subtract "(1/2"coefficient of the x-term")^2" to"#
#"subtract 7 and divide by "-4#
#color(blue)"take the square root of both sides"#
#rArrx-1=+-sqrt(7/4)larrcolor(blue)"note plus or minus"#
#"add 1 to both sides"#
#rArrx=1+-1/2sqrt7larrcolor(red)"exact solutions"#