How do you solve the rational equation #1/6-1/x=4/(3x^2)#?

1 Answer
Dec 8, 2015



Find a common denominator.

The denominators are #6,x,# and #3x^2#.

From this, we know the least common denominator will be #6x^2#.

Now, multiply each fraction so that the denominators all equal #6x^2#.



Multiply everything by #6x^2#, which will clear out the denominators altogether.



Use the quadratic formula or complete the square to solve for #x#, since the equation is not easily factorable:


Return to the original equation to ensure that neither value of #x# will cause a fractional denominator to be #0#. Neither of the answers here will cause such an issue, but if one of the answers for #x# had been #0#, it would have had to been thrown out.