In a number like #725,782#
counting from right, the first #2# (from right) stands for #2# units
#8# stands for #8# tens and each ten is equivalent to #10# units
the first #7# (from right) stands for #7# hundreds and each hundred is equivalent to #10# tens
#5# stands for #5# thousands and each thousand is equivalent to #10# hundreds
second #2# (from right) stands for #2# ten-thousands and each thousand is equivalent to #10# thousands
and second #7# (from right and first digit from left) stands for #7# hu-ndred-thousands and each hundred-thousand is equivalent to #10# ten-thousands.
Similarly we have for #537,935#.
Now subtraction is shown in image belo0
Let us explain the process below:
Starting from tight end, we have to subtract #5# units from #2# units, we borrow one ten from left which is equal to #12# units and subtracting #5# units from #12#, we get #7# units.
This leaves us with #7# tens and we can easily subtract #3# tens from #7# tens and we get #4# tens.
Again we cannot subtract #9# hundreds from #7# hundreds. So we borrow #1# thousand from #5# on the left. This #1# thousand is equal to #10# hundreds and we have total #17# hundreds and subtracting #9# hundred from it we get #8# hundreds in the remainder.
We now have #4# thousands left and as we cannot subtract #7# thousands from it, we borrow #1# ten-thousand from #2# on the left. This #1# ten-thousand is equal to #10# thousands and we now have total #14# thousands and subtracting #7# thousands from it we get #7# thousands in the remainder.
We now have #1# ten-thousands left and as we cannot subtract #3# ten-thousands from it, we again borrow #1# hundred-thousand from #7# on the left. This #1# hundred-thousand is equal to #10# ten-thousands and we now have total #11# ten-thousands and subtracting #3# ten-thousands from it we get #8# ten-thousands in the remainder.
Now we have #6# hundred-thousands and we can subtract #5# hundred-thousands from it to get #1# hundred-thousands.
Answer we get is #187,847#