How to prove that?

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1 Answer
Oct 24, 2017

See below. (b) is a false statement.


(a) #25=5^2#. If the number is not divisible by 5, it is not also divisible by 25.
Let's see if #n^2+n-9# is divisible by 5 or not.

For example, if #n# is divisible by 5, there is an integer #k# that satisfies #n=5k#.
Substitute #n=5k# into #n^2+n-9#:
Thus, the remainder is 1. #n^2+n-9# is not divisible by 5 if #n=5k#.

We can express this in congruence.
If #n≡0# (mod #5#) then #n^2+n-9≡0+0-9≡-9≡1# (mod #5#)

For other cases(#n≡1,2,3,4# (mod #5#)), see the table.
enter image source here

#n^2+n-9# is not a multiple of #5# in any cases, neither is it a multiple of #25#.

(b) #49=7^2#.
Similarly to (a), find the remainder (mod #7#) first.
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If #n≡0,2,3,4,6# (mod #7#), #n^2+n-9# is a not divisible by #7# and it is proven that #n^2+n-9# is not a multiple of #49#.

If #n≡1# or #n≡5# (mod #7#), #n^2+n-9# is a multiple of #7#.
Now let's move to the next stage.

How to show that no natural square #n=m^2# satisfies (A),(B)?

(A) #n≡1,5# (mod #7#)
(B) #n^2+n-9≡0# (mod #49#)

Since #m^2≡0,1,2,4# (mod #7#), we can confine to the case #n=m^2≡1# (mod #7#). In this case, #m# must satisfy #m≡1,6# (mod #7#) , i.e. #m≡1,6,8,13,15,20,22,27,29,34,36,41,43,48# (mod #49#).

Here is a table for #m, n=m^2, n^2=m^4 and n^2+n-9=m^4+m^2-9#.
enter image source here

Oops! #n^2+n-9=m^4+m^2-9# is divisible by #49# if #m≡6,43# (mod #49#) and the statement is false.

For example:
#m=6, n=6^2=36#