Is a frog a producer or a consumer?

2 Answers
Jan 27, 2016

Frog is a consumer.


A producer is an organism that produces its own food e.g autotrophs like plants and algae.
Consumers,on the other hand, cannot prepare their own food and depend on other organisms for their food. e.g hetrotrophs like us humans or other animals.
Frog does not prepare its food by itself and depends on other organisms for food ,so it is a consumer.

Jan 27, 2016

A consumer.


Animals, in general, are consumers. In a food chain or food web, animals (whether carnivores, herbivores, or omnivores) are always positioned on the second level because all of them are incapable of making or producing its own food. They, herbivores in particular, are independent to the producers which are the plants or algae (remember that plants have these special organelles called chloroplasts which are the sites for photsynthesis, a process in which one of the products is sucrose (carbohydrate = source of energy); then herbivores are being eaten or fed by carnivores.

However, food chain may not always start with plants (grazing food chain). Sometimes food chain starts with detritivores or the decomposers (detritus feeding), a situation that is more common in aquatic environment. The excreted products given off by decomposers are eaten by microbiological species or meiofauna.