Is there a formula for #root(x)(a) xx root(y)(a)#? For example, #sqrt(81) xx root4(81)#

2 Answers
Jun 6, 2017



There is no formula i.e. often used by people to solve such problems. However, mathematics is full of surprises and it does not mean that we cannot have a formula.

Here it is observed that in the example you have square root and fourth roots of #81#, which is itself a power of #3# i.e. #3^4#. Hence we will attempt a formula cosidering #a=b^m# and we attempt


= #(a^m)^(1/x)xx(a^m)^(1/y)#

= #a^(m/x)xxa^(m/y)#

= #a^(m/x+m/y)#

= #a^((m(x+y))/(xy))#

= #root(xy)(a^(m(x+y)))# and that is the formula.

i.e. #root(x)(a^m)xxroot(y)(a^m)=a^((m(x+y))/(xy))=root(xy)(a^(m(x+y)))#

If #a# is not a power than you can use #m=1#

Using this #sqrt(3^4)xxroot(4)(3^4)#

= #3^((4(2+4))/(2xx4))#

= #3^((4xx6)/8)#

= #3^3=27#

Jun 7, 2017



#sqrt81 xx root4(81)#

#:.9 xx root4(3*3*3*3)#

#:.root4(a) xx root4(a) xx root4(a) xx root4(a)=a#

#:.9 xx 3=27#