Prove that the magnetic moment of a hydrogen atom in its ground state is eh/(4πm)?

Current, i= #e/t#
i= #e omega/(2pi)#

angular momentum, L= #(nh)/(2pi)# = mvr

1 Answer
Jan 29, 2018

Consider an electron in the ground state revolving around a proton in a circular orbit of radius #r# with a velocity #v#. Let its charge be represented as #-e# and its mass be #m_e#.
We know that

where #omega# is the angular velocity

Current flowing due motion of electron is equal to the charge flowing through any point per second which can be found with the help of time period #T# where #omega=(2pi)/T#. This is given as

#i=-eomega/(2pi) =−(ev)/(2πr)# .......(1)

The magnetic moment #mu# due to a current loop #i# enclosing an area #A# is given by

#mu = iA#

Referring to the figure above, magnetic moment of the electron is

#mu = (−ev)/(2πr) pir^2#
#=>mu= (−erv)/2# ..........(2)

We know that angular momentum of the electron is

# vecL= vecrxx(m_evecv)#
Since radial and velocity vector are orthogonal


#L = (nh)/(2π)#

For ground state principal quantum number #n=1#

#:.L=(h)/(2π)# ......(4)

Using (3) to eliminate #rand v# from (2) we get

#mu= (−e(L/m_e))/2#
#=>mu= (−e)/(2m_e)L# ......(5)
Negative sign shows that angular momentum and magnetic moment vectors have opposite directions as shown in the figure.

Using (4) above equation can be written as

#mu= (−e)/(2m_e)((h)/(2π))#
#mu= (−eh)/(4pim_e)#