State Stefan's law of radiation.?.

1 Answer
Apr 6, 2018

See below:


I assume you mean the Stefan-Boltzmann Law of Blackbody radiation .

The Stefan Boltzmann law, simply put, states that:

#T^4 prop P#

The absolute temperature of a black-body raised to the power of 4 is proportional to its energy output in Watts.

This is further on given in the Stefan-Boltzmann equation:


#e#= is the emissivity the object has (sometimes this serves no purpose as #e#=1)

#sigma#=the Stefan-Boltzmann constant #(5.67 times 10^-8 W times m^-2 times K^-4)#

#A#= the surface area of the blackbody in #m^2#.

#T^4#= The absolute temperature of the blackbody in Kelvin, raised to the power of 4.