The ease with which the charge distribution in a molecule can be distorted by an external electrical field is called the?

1 Answer
Apr 4, 2018

The polarizability.

The polarizability is how easily a charge density can acquire an induced dipole from an external perturbation.

The perturbation would have to be from an electric field, as we expect charge-charge interaction to cause distortion of charge density.

If the electric field is aligned along the direction of the principal polarizability axis, the polarizability is given by:

#vecmu = alphavecE#

#[(mu_x),(mu_y),(mu_z)] = [(alpha_(x x), alpha_(xy), alpha_(xz)),(alpha_(xy), alpha_(yy), alpha_(yz)),(alpha_(xz), alpha_(yz), alpha_(zz))][(E_x),(E_y),(E_z)]#

where #vecmu# is the electric dipole moment and #vecE# is the electric field.