The price of a train ticket from Lexington to Oklahoma City is normally $138.00. However, children under the age of 16 receive a 65% discount. How do you find the sale price for someone under the age of 16?

2 Answers
Apr 21, 2016

$ 48.30


We have to calculate 65% of $138 and then subtract this from the full fare.

65% of $138 = #65/100xx138 = 0.65xx138 = 89.70#

discounted price =$ 138 - $89.70 = $48.30

Apr 21, 2016



#color(blue)("Using first principles")#

Original price - discount price

#$138.00-65%" of "$138#


#$138-$89.70 =$48.30#

#color(blue)("Using shortcut")#

#$138.00(1-65/100) ->$138xx 35/100 = $48.30#