What are 3 verbs that can only be used as transitive verbs and 3 that can only be used as intransitive verbs?

1 Answer
Nov 4, 2016

Kick, want, and throw are examples of transitive verbs.
Arrive, go, and walk are examples of intransitive verbs.


A transitive verb is one that describes an action or activity and that has a direct object.

The easiest way to find out if a verb has a direct object is to ask the question whom or what after the verb. For example:

  1. Robert threw the ball. (Robert threw what? Robert threw the ball. 'The ball' is a direct object to the verb threw, hence the verb is transitive.)
  2. Priya kicks her brother when he teases her. (Priya kicks whom? Priya kicks her brother. 'Her brother' is a direct object to the verb kicks, hence the verb is transitive.)

An intransitive verb is one that describes an action or activity and that does not have a direct object.

If there is no possibility of the question whom or what being answered after the verb, the verb will be intransitive. For example:

  1. Mr Patel walks an hour daily after dinner.
  2. Jeanne arrived home tired after her field trip.

Note that there are some verbs which can function as transitive or intransitive depending on whether there is a direct object or not. An example:

  1. Flavian eats moderately to control his weight. (No direct object, hence 'eats' is intransitive.)
  2. Marcia eats pasta almost every day. (Maria eats what? Maria eats pasta. 'Pasta' is a direct object to the verb eats, hence 'eats' is transitive.)