What are the 3 functions of the digestive system?

1 Answer
Jun 13, 2018

Digestion, absorption, and elimination


Digestion: the process of breaking down food into smaller chemicals used as nutrients by the body. Two parts : mechanical digestion and chemical digestion

-Mechanical Digestion: the physical breakdown of food into smaller pieces; It is started by the chewing the food with teeth and is continued through the churning of food in the stomach and intestines. Bile produced by the liver is also used to mechanically break down fats.

-Chemical Digestion: process by which enzymes break down food into small molecules that the body can use; Begins in the mouth with salivary amylase in saliva breaking down complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates. The enzymes and acid in the stomach continue the chemical digestion, but most of the process takes place in the small intestine. The pancreas secretes a substance called pancreatic juice into the duodenum (first and shortest part of the small intestine), which is capable of digesting lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nucleic acids.

Absorption: As much water possible is absorbed from the food (now called chyme) by the large intestine for the body to use. Too much water absorption can result in constipation while the opposite can result in diarrhea.

Elimination: The final process of the digestive system is the excretion of waste . Any substance that cannot be used by the body will ultimately be expelled from the body in a stool (poop). The anal sphincter carries the stool until is ready to be expelled, then it is pushed out of the sphincter and goes through the anus to assumingly, the toilet.

If you need an explanation on the whole digestive system, this Khan Academy video will surely be able to walk you through it all. In my opinion, I think it is one of their best videos!

Hope I helped!