What are the two broad goal of meiosis?

1 Answer
Nov 15, 2017

The two broad goals of meiosis are to produce haploid daughter cells (gametes), and to generate variance.


During meiosis, a diploid cell divides two times to create four haploid daughter cells called gametes. A diploid cell contains all the genetic information for an organism while a haploid cell only contains half of the genetic information. This is important for gametic cells so when they join with another gamete in sexual reproduction, the resulting offspring will have the proper number of genes.

Genetic variation and variance is created in meiosis during both prophase I and metaphase I. In prophase I, homologous chromosomes are paired with each other and can exchange segments of their genetic material. In metaphase 1, a process called independent assortment happens. This is where the chromosomes randomly arrange in a cell and then are split up. This means that each daughter cell is getting a random assortment of genes.