What causes a human being to feel fear?

1 Answer
Mar 3, 2016

Fear is a body's response when a human being is in physical or emotional danger


A potential for pain, or an unrecognizable event, causes fear. So if it's your first time to present a public speech in front of a thousand people, you would probably fret! It is a natural response of the body. If you don't feel fear even if you're kidnapped by a bunch of terrorists, then you may have some problems in your nervous system.

Inside your body, the amygdalae in your limbic system detect such possibilities of possible threats based on common human instincts and your own personal experience and sends off appropriate action to different parts of your body, such as avoidance of the place or activity, or the stiffening of your muscles.

For more information, you can read here: http://www.effective-mind-control.com/what-causes-fear.html

Hope that helps! :-)