What causes gas molecules to spread through air?

1 Answer
May 18, 2017

Mostly entropy. The process of mixing gases, particularly ideal gases, is favored by entropy, and for ideal gases, it is always spontaneous.

Below is a thermodynamics proof of why entropy and Gibbs' free energy of mixing are positive and negative, respectively, for ideal gases.

The entropy of mixing is given by the difference in entropy between the unmixed (barS^"*"¯¯¯S*) and mixed (barS¯¯¯S) substances:

DeltabarS_(mix) = barS - barS^"*"

= sum_i n_ibarS_i - sum_i n_ibarS_i^"*"

= sum_i n_i(barS_i - barS_i^"*") " "" "bb((1))


  • n_i is the mols of gas i.
  • barS_i is the molar entropy, S_i/n_i, of gas i.
  • "*" indicates the unmixed substance.

The entropy is related to the Gibbs' free energy G and enthalpy H:

DeltaG = DeltaH - TDeltaS" "" "bb((2))

These have their own thermodynamic mixing expressions:

DeltabarG_(mix) = sum_i n_i(barG_i - barG_i^"*")" "" "bb((3))

DeltabarH_(mix) = sum_i n_i(barH_i - barH_i^"*")" "" "bb((4))

For ideal gases, there is zero heat released or absorbed after mixing (no intermolecular forces exchanged), so barH_i ~~ barH_i^"*", and from (4), DeltabarH_(mix) ~~ 0.

From (2), DeltabarG_(mix) ~~ -TDeltabarS_(mix). We can write for barG:

barG_i = barG_i^"*" + RTlnchi_i" "" "bb((5))

where chi_i is the mol fraction of gas i.

As a result, plugging (5) into (3):

color(blue)(DeltabarG_(mix) = RTsum_i n_ilnchi_i) ~~ -TDeltabarS_(mix)

or, comparing (2) with (3):

color(blue)(DeltabarS_(mix) ~~ -Rsum_i n_ilnchi_i)

But since mol fractions are always less than or equal to 1, lnchi_i < 0, and we have two conclusions:

  • DeltabarG_(mix) < 0. Therefore, mixing ideal gases is spontaneous.
  • DeltabarS_(mix) > 0. Therefore, mixing ideal gases increases the entropy of the system.