What do the four quantum numbers stand for?

1 Answer

Principal quantum number (nn) - the energy the electron occupies, where nge1, and ninZZ.

Angular momentum quantum number () - This describes the type of orbitals the electron resides in, where ℓge0, ℓinZZ, and ℓltn. It also gives the number of angular nodes, and therefore describe its shape.

If ℓ=0 it is the s-orbital, if it is 1 then it is the p-orbital, 2 means d-orbital, etc. This number is often pair with n, so that if n=4, and ℓ=2, it is in the 4d subshell.

Magnetic quantum number (m_ℓ) - describes the orientation of the orbital, where m_ℓ can be anywhere from -ℓ to +ℓ, and m_ℓinZZ

There are 2l+1 orbitals per subshell. This is proven as if ℓ=1, then 2(1)+1=3, there are three orbitals for the p subshell. If ℓ=2, then m_ℓ =-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 5 orbitals for d-subshells.

Spin quantum number (m_s) - describes the spin of an electron where m_s = -1/2 or +1/2, where -1/2 means spin down, and +1/2 means spin up.