What happens when the earth and sun line up with the center of the galaxy?

1 Answer
Mar 15, 2018

This process is said be the galactic alignment.


We know that our planet Earth revolves around the sun like that the Sun also completes a journey around the Milky way Galaxy. It takes 220 million years to do so. And there comes a time when the Sun passes directly through the galactic disk, and because of this there's a perfect alignment between the Sun and the Galaxy's center.The center of the Galaxy is a sphere with the size of the Earths equator.

The center of the Galaxy is no different than the present, well there may be a higher density of stars there. There are no increase in the number of the star, dust, radiation, gas, black holes, neutron stars, supernova etc.

This alignment of the Sun with the center of the Galaxy will have no effect on the Earth . And thus we will be safe and sound as we are now.

We will experience nothing as, like in the Earth's equator there is nothing special in the Center of the Galaxy.

And it will take a few hundred thousand years for it to happen.