What is #0.583333333...# (repeating 3) as a fraction?
4 Answers
As others have said
Multiply by powers of 10 to get repeated 3's only, on the right for two different multiples of
Subtract to get
Here's yet another way:
Knowing that
In addition to all the methods above which explain what to do and why it works, there is also just a simple rule which you can learn and apply quickly to get the fraction. It is based on one of the methods already described.
There are two cases:
- If ALL the digits recur: write a fraction made up as follows:
Then simplify if possible.
- If only SOME of the digits recur: write a fraction made up as:
Then simplify if possible.
We have:
Another example
If you have access to a pocket calculator, then another way of finding fractions from decimal expansions uses continued fractions.
Note down any whole number part of the given number.
Subtract the whole number part.
Take the reciprocal.
Repeat these steps until there is no remainder, rounding to eliminate rounding errors.
Use the numbers you have noted down to write a terminating continued fraction, then simplify it.
In our example, given
This has no whole number part so just take the reciprocal to get:
Note down the whole number part
Take the reciprocal to get:
There's an obvious rounding error here, so round to:
Note down the whole number part
Take the reciprocal to get:
Note down the whole number part
Take the reciprocal to get:
Since this is a whole number, note it,
Taking the numbers we found, we can deduce that:
#0.58bar(3) = 1/(color(red)(1)+1/(color(red)(1)+1/(color(red)(2)+1/color(red)(2)))) = 1/(1+1/(1+2/5)) = 1/(1+5/7) = 7/12#