What is fascism based on?

1 Answer
Apr 29, 2017

It is a mixture of statism(or even totalitarism) and nationalism


Fascism emerged in Italy in the twenties after Italy had been humiliated. The word fascism comes from classical Rome since Mussolini was fascinated by Classical Rome and longed to revive it. He used all its symbols(the she-wolf).

It was based on oppression, destruction of individual liberties, control of the press, propaganda, censure and persecution of opponents. Unions and parties were forbidden. Fascism was a totalitarian ideology for which the state should have all powers over the individual.

Fascism also promoted a very traditional vision of the family and opposed women's rights. Protectionism and corporatism were the base of fascist society, the big corporations controlled the economy and they were protected from strikes and foreign competition. Fascism eventually led to an alliance with Nazi Germany though its ideology is slightly different, since it adds racial aspects( the notion of Volkish) to its political conception.