What is the approximate volume of the sphere if the surface area is #482.8# #mm^2#?

1 Answer
May 14, 2016

Volume of sphere is #997.5453# #mm^3#


Surface area #S# of a triangle is given by #4pir^2#, where #r# is radius and volume is given by #4/3pir^3#.

If surface area is #S#, we have #S=4pir^2# or #r^2=S/(4pi)# and #r=1/2sqrt(S/pi)#

and volume of sphere is #4/3pixx(1/2sqrt(S/pi))^3# or #4/3pixxS/(4pi)xx1/2sqrt(S/pi)#

or #S/6sqrt(S/pi)#.

As #S=482.8# and considering #pi=3.1416#,

Volume of sphere is #482.8/6xxsqrt(482.8/3.1416)=482.8/6xx12.397=997.5453# #mm^3#