What is the cross product of <5 , 5 ,-7 ><5,5,7> and <5 ,6 ,-3 ><5,6,3>?

1 Answer
Oct 29, 2016

<27, -20, 5><27,20,5>


Convert to hati, hatj, hatkˆi,ˆj,ˆk notation

barA = 5hati + 5hatj - 7hatk¯¯¯A=5ˆi+5ˆj7ˆk
barB = 5hati + 6hatj - 3hatk¯¯¯B=5ˆi+6ˆj3ˆk

The cross product can be computed using a determinant:

barA xx barB = | (hati, hatj, hatk, hati, hatj), (5, 5, - 7,5, 5), (5, 6, -3, 5, 6) | =

{(5)(-3)-(-7)(6)}hati + {(-7)(5) - (5)(-3)}hatj + {(5)(6) - (5)(5)}hatk =

27hati - 20hatj + 5hatk