What is the difference between an objective pronoun and a subjective pronoun?

1 Answer

The objective pronouns are pronouns that function as the object of a verb or a preposition.
- The objective pronouns are: me, us, him, her, them, and whom.
The subjective pronouns are pronouns that function as the subject of a sentence or clause.
- The subjective pronouns are: I, we, he, she, they, and who.


All other pronouns can function as objective or subjective.

Example use of objective pronouns:
The cake is fresh. I made it today.
- direct object of the verb 'made'.

Mom gave me her recipe for angel cake.
- indirect object of the verb 'gave'.

For whom did you make the cake?
- object of the preposition 'for'.

I made the cake for you.
- object of the preposition 'for'.

Example use of subjective pronouns:
We should go to the park today.
- subject of the sentence.

It is such a nice day.
- subject of the sentence.

That cafe that you like is near the park.
- subject of the relative clause.

That is the kind of day which you and I can enjoy.
- subject of the sentence.
- subject of the relative clause.