What is the difference between conservation and preservation?

1 Answer
Feb 22, 2017

People mainly concerned with protecting the environment often use the terms conservation and preservation.


It is the sustainable use and management of natural resources. For example the conservation of forests involves ensuring that they are not consumed faster than they can be replaced. On the other hand conservation of fossil fuels involves ensuring that sufficient quantities are maintained for future generations to utilise.
Conservation of natural resources usually focuses on the needs and interests of human beings,

It means to attempt to maintain in their present conditions, areas that are not touched by humans. This is due to the concern that mankind is encroaching onto the environment at such a rapid rate that many untamed landscapes are being given over to human development. So we are losing too much of what is natural.
Preservation often promotes that every living no thing has a right to exist and should be preserved.

By preserving and conserving our environment we can make a healthy atmosphere to live in.