What is the differentation of 1/x?

If we write this as x^(-1), then it is - 1/x^2.

But, my teacher has given it as logx.

Which is correct?

2 Answers
Jul 30, 2017

I think you got confused, or your teacher did, as it is the other way around:

d/dx lnx = 1/x


d/dx 1/x = d/dx (x^(-1)) = -1 xx x^(-1-1) = -x^(-2) = -1/x^2

You can easily derive it from first principles:

d/dx 1/x = lim_(h->0) 1/h(1/(x+h)-1/x)

d/dx 1/x = lim_(h->0) 1/h((x-x-h)/(x(x+h)))

d/dx 1/x = lim_(h->0) 1/h((-h)/(x(x+h)))

d/dx 1/x = lim_(h->0) -1/(x(x+h))

d/dx 1/x = lim_(h->0) -1/x^2

Jul 30, 2017

Your are answer is correct


The answer that your teacher had given to you is not differentiation, rather it is integration of 1/x.

The method of integration exactly the converse of differentiation.
Differentiation of log x = 1/x

Integration of 1/x = log x

So, tell your teacher to make corrections

ENJOY MATHS !!!!!!!!