What is the domain and range for f(x) = 3x - absx?

1 Answer
Oct 14, 2015

Both the domain and the range are the whole of RR.


f(x) = 3x-abs(x) is well defined for any x in RR, so the domain of f(x) is RR.

If x >= 0 then abs(x) = x, so f(x) = 3x-x = 2x.

As a result f(x)->+oo as x->+oo

If x < 0 then abs(x) = -x, so f(x) = 3x + x = 4x.

As a result f(x)->-oo as x->-oo

Both 3x and abs(x) are continuous, so their difference f(x) is continuous too.

So by the intermediate value theorem, f(x) takes all values between -oo and +oo.

We can define an inverse function for f(x) as follows:

f^(-1)(y) = { (y/2, "if " y >= 0), (y/4, "if " y < 0) :}

graph{3x-abs(x) [-5.55, 5.55, -2.774, 2.774]}