What is the dot product of two vectors that are perpendicular?

1 Answer

The dot of two vectors is given by the sum of its correspondent coordinates multiplied. In mathematical notation:
let v = [v_(1), v_(2), ... , v_(n)] and u = [u_(1), u_(2), ... , u_(n)],
Dot product:
v*u =
sum v_(i).u_(i) = (v_(1).u_(1)) + (v_(2).u_(2)) + ... + (v_(n).u_(n))

and angle between vectors:
cos(theta) =(v*u)/(|v||u|)

Since the angle between two perpendicular vectors is pi/2, and it's cosine equals 0:
(v*u)/(|v||u|) = 0 :. v*u = 0

Hope it helps.